
Friday, May 07, 2021

Election Results

 As is our usual policy, we stood token candidates in the recent elections, in Folkestone and in Cardiff, to challenge all the pro-capitalist parties and ensure that the voice of socialism is not entirely lost amidst the recriminations of the professional politicians about how to run capitalism. As we fully expected we did not receive a landslide victory.

Brian Johnson received 82 votes in  the Cardiff Central constituency for the Welsh Parliament,  0.3% share of the vote. About the same number of votes as in the 2019 General Election but on a much lower turnout.

Max Hess received 61 votes at Central ward for the Folkestone Town Council election. In the Folkestone East County Council election Cde. Hess got 89 votes (3%)

Andy Thomas got 55 votes in the Folkestone West County Council election (1% of the vote)

The Socialist Party contests elections as a part of our campaign to establish a new system of society: one based on the common ownership and democratic control of the means for producing and distributing wealth by and in the interest of the whole community.

That is our sole object. By common ownership we don’t mean that everyone will not possess personal belongings, but that in a society built upon our mutual effort, we should all benefit and have a say in how the means of production is run and how its products are distributed.

We currently live in a system of society based on a tiny number of people owning the wealth of our world, organised and run by a handful of bosses for their benefit. Their profits come first, our needs come second.

It seems we’re so busy taking care of the businesses of the rich that we don’t have time to take care of ourselves.

Because of this we have endless problems of poverty, poor services and all the issues politicians love to spend time telling you they can solve, if only given the chance.

We don’t believe any politician can solve these problems, as long as the flawed basis of our society remains intact. In fact, we believe only you and your fellow workers can solve these problems.

We believe that it will take a revolution in how we organise our lives, a fundamental change. We want to see a society based on the fact that you know how to run your lives, know your needs and have the skills and capacity to organise with your fellows to satisfy them.

You know yourselves and your lives better than a handful of bosses ever can. With democratic control of production we can ensure that looking after our communities becomes a priority, rather than something we do in our spare time.

We all share fundamental needs, for food, clothing, housing and culture, and we have the capacity to ensure access to these for all, without exception.

If you agree with this aim, then we ask you to get in touch with us, get involved and join in our campaign to bring about this change in society.

Together, we have the capacity to run our world for ourselves. We need to build a movement to effect that change, by organising deliberately to take control of the political offices which rule our lives, and bring them into our collective democratic control.

Our candidates never make no promises, offers no pat solutions, only to be the means by which you can remake society for the common good.

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