
Monday, March 01, 2021

The Growing Humanitarian Crises

 The world’s poorest are becoming poorer, says Disaster Emergency Committee's survey of aid workers. The chief executive of the DEC, Saleh Saeed, said reduced funding could force aid providers to prioritise some populations and services over others.

“People living in places made perilous by conflict, violence and climate disasters are coping with the coronavirus pandemic as best they can, but the odds are stacked against them. The knock-on effects of the pandemic have crippled economies, making the world’s poorest people even poorer,” said Saeed. 

Ahmed Khalif, country director for the charity Action Against Hunger in Somalia, said livelihoods had been damaged by drops in crucial livestock exports and remittances sent from the diaspora, coming alongside conflict, locust infestations and drought. He said the number of people in Somalia requiring humanitarian assistance had risen by 700,000 but aid had been difficult to provide in some areas. 190,000 children aged under one had missed their vaccinations last year.

'Falling off a cliff': pandemic crippling world's most fragile states, finds report | Famine | The Guardian

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