
Thursday, February 11, 2021

More on Dirty Air

 Yet another report that polluted air risks around six million people aged over 65 in England lung damage and asthma attacks because of toxic air.

Dr Nick Hopkinson, the medical director of the British Lung Foundation estimates that between 30,000 and 40,000 premature deaths each year are caused by exposure to toxic air.

It finds that older people and those with lung disease who are most vulnerable to the effects of pollution are often the most exposed. Air pollution also increases the chances of a person developing lung cancer and cardiovascular disease and may be associated with cognitive decline, including dementia.

They found air pollution blackspots across the country that affected care homes. In 36 local authorities, every single care home is located in areas with PM2.5 levels above the limits recommended by the WHO. These include Epping Forrest, Luton, Thurrock, Reading, Slough, Spelthorne, Broxbourne, Dartford and Watford. It also found that 3,000 hospitals and GP practices are in areas where particulate pollution exceeds WHO recommended levels.

Alastair Lewis, a professor of atmospheric chemistry at the University of York, welcomed the report's focus on the impact of air pollution on vulnerable communities.

"The largest inequalities arise based on issues like health and deprivation and deprived communities typically have the worst air quality," he says.

Toxic air puts six million at risk of lung damage - BBC News

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