
Friday, May 31, 2019

Why Wait? Why Procrastinate?

Socialism Now
The world's future looks grim. But do not despair, the future is in your hands.

When enough of us join together determined to end inequality and deprivation we can transform elections into a means of doing away with a society of minority rule in favour of real democracy and equality. Our common efforts could feed, clothe and house every man woman and child on Earth without exception but we are held back because the owners of the world demand their cut before they’ll let us use the world’s resources. The iron laws of No Profit, No Production and No Profit, No Employment are a cage for us.
If you agree with the idea of a society of common and democratic ownership where no-one is left behind and where things are produced because they are needed, and not to make profits for some capitalist corporation or to enrich some bloated millionaire, join with us to achieve this.

Capitalism is controlled by the capitalist class. The establishment of socialism is the historic mission of the working class; but socialism can only be established by abolishing capitalism. From this it follows that the interests of the capitalist class are in direct opposition to those of the working class. These two classes, as classes, have no national boundaries—not only because they exist wherever capitalism reigns, but also because both capitalists and workers wander all over the globe, the one in search of profits, the other in search of a living, through the medium of work. To establish socialism the working class have to wrest power from the capitalist class, and therefore the fight for Socialism, and its establishment must be worldwide. Only those who understand the principles of socialism can give strength to the revolutionary movement.

We rarely call upon the workers to do anything but think. We also ask of our fellow-workers that they end their allegiance to all other political parties who have brought them, and can only bring them, strife and misery, and that they turn their attention to the message of the Socialist Party that shows the only means by which present-day evils can be abolished. Having severed this allegiance to other political parties the path to the understanding of socialism will be easy.

The Socialist Party repudiate and oppose the political careerists who treat the working class with contempt. They have never had the interests of the working class at heart; many have been concerned with their own personal individual escape from wage-slavery and all of their political ambitions and efforts have been to that end. We have no more use for their quackery and double-dealing.

Those in the Socialist Party are determined people. We know what we want and we know how to get it, and nothing will stop us. Our record is a clean one. We have nothing to be ashamed of. We do not hide and we can defend all our actions since our Party was formed. We stood alone in two world wars, unflinching in our opposition to them, when other political parties were swept away in the hysteria of patriotism. We alone proclaimed the world-wide solidarity of the working class and extended hands in fraternal greetings to workers in all parts of the world whatever language they might speak and to whatever country they might belong.

We know that our interests are those of the workers all over the world, the abolition of capitalism and the establishment of socialism. In that mission we will willingly and gladly co-operate with them. The day of the social revolution is getting closer. Let every worker, however limited his or her opportunities, strive to gain more knowledge of the science of society - Socialism.

Fellow-workers, we are doing our share. When are you going to do yours?

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