
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

More scum floats to the top

Theresa May’s new Brexit secretary previously called for Britain to use negotiations with the EU to scrap workers’ rights, it has emerged.

Dominic Raab, who was appointed to lead the UK’s negotiations to leave the bloc after David Davis dramatically quit on Sunday, authored a paper calling for opt-outs from EU employment regulations, including those that guarantee employees time off and limit the number of hours staff can be made to work.

He also opposed rules that give long-term agency workers the same rights as full-time staff, and those that stop people being sacked if their company changes owner. More>
Comment by me on the above article.

" It makes no difference which representative of the capitalist parasite class is the Brexit secretary. Neither Labour or Tory governments represent the interests of workers, despite claims ot the contrary between poitical Tweedledees and Tweedledums. They are merely wings of capitalist government OVER the populace. There are no working-class issues at stake in the EU shambles. Whether the UK is inside or outside the EU, capitalism will remain an exploitative and oppressive system. The arguments about 'control of our borders' or 'access to a wider market' are of concern only to the capitalist class, not to workers. Any reforms will be trimmed cut or tailored to suit the needs of the capitalist class and the safeguards can only be defended by workers themselves taking action in their own class interests.
 Pity Britain’s poor diplomats. Their suitably decorous celebrations to toast the departure of Boris Johnson as foreign secretary must have abruptly ended when they heard that their new boss was Jeremy Hunt.
Comment by me below  on this article >

"There are no working-class issues at stake in the EU shambles. Whether the UK is inside or outside the EU, capitalism will remain an exploitative and oppressive system. The arguments about 'control of our borders' or 'access to a wider market' are of concern only to the capitalist class, not to workers. Neither does it matter which political representative of the parasite capitalist class is foreign secretary. Workers have no country but a world to win."

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