
Thursday, September 07, 2017

The advantages of being rich

 Ahead of the possible disaster even of Hurricane Irma private jet companies are seeing a surge in demand from the wealthy Florida residents scrambling to leave.

With commercial flights booked or canceled, and the roads clogged with traffic, private jet companies said demand Wednesday and this week is shaping up to double or triple the usual demand.

Prices are also skyrocketing, with some rich flyers are paying 30 percent or more than usual for a seat or plane. While chartering a jet from Florida to New York would normally be around $14,000 to $15,000, this week it's more likely to be over $20,000. And that's for the lucky ones. Most people trying to book a flight Wednesday can't even get a jet or seat — no matter what they're willing to pay.

Of course, all the private jet companies say they're not trying to exploit the storm.

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