
Monday, June 26, 2017

LSD - A new way of thinking - Turn on and tune in

The Socialist Party of Great Britain is not the keeper of some Marxian "Holy Grail". Many of the ideas that are central to our position are in fact shared by others . We address our case to the working class of the world as a whole, rather than any particular interest group or the left-wing's supposed "advanced” sections.

How do we move from just protest and resistance to actually figuring out how we actually reorganise society is a central question to be talked about. The word “revolution” gets thrown around so much, we really have to be clear on what we mean when we talk about a revolution and to be equally clear on the means to strive for revolution. We need a clear vision for how to go about achieving a new society.

Too often people are stuck in a reactive phase because there is so much urgent immediate events happening has to be addressed, but now a lot more people are the question about "How do we actually move beyond defensive struggles and really start figuring out what we're fighting for and what sort of strategy is required to get there?" We definitely need more discussion on that. We cannot permit populist political campaigns to keep on polarising people according to nationality, gender or sexual orientation, nor skin colour. 

Our debates should focus on the strengths of the workers' movements but also their limitations so that we can challenge capitalism and win political power to make the decisions and not just be on the outside looking in, simply protesting.

 It is exciting to see, even in the midst of all the tragedies, that people are finding creative ways to come together and fight. There is much resilience in working class and it helps to remember that we always have to keep resisting.  We should create mass popular social movements which maintain a balance of autonomy and unity so that we can grow in a non-hierarchical way, guided by an agreed set of socialist principles.

The Lothian Socialist Discussion group, just like LSD, is aimed at expanding your consciousness – your class consciousness.  

Wednesday, 28 June  
7:30pm - 9:00pm
The Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh,
17 West Montgomery Place, 
Edinburgh EH7 5HA

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