
Friday, October 21, 2016

Clinton or Trump

Q: Clinton and Trump are together in a plane crash, who survives?
A: the planet

The presidential debates are now over. Opinion polls have Clinton in the lead. Clinton presents herself as the progressive candidate, nevertheless, she will be beholden to the Wall Street tycoons. As Sandra Sarandon said, “They haven't contributed millions of dollars to her campaign for nothing.”

Trump is not a new phenomenon within the American society. The history of American politics is littered with demagogue populism, of which some have been Third Party or independent candidates, while at other times members of the duopoly. Some journalists would like that Donald Trump is depicted as an aberration. Indeed so, in the difference between Trump and Clinton is that he has as far as we know, ordered people killed. There is little if any difference either between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, over treating women with dignity because many women have been killed in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. Her defense of women is hypocritical and fraudulent.

The progressive political commentator, John Pilger, can view Trump as the lesser evil because of his isolationist position on foreign policy:
“Donald Trump is a symptom of this, but he is also a maverick. He says the invasion of Iraq was a crime; he doesn’t want to go to war with Russia and China. The danger to the rest of us is not Trump, but Hillary Clinton. She is no maverick. She embodies the resilience and violence of a system whose vaunted “exceptionalism” is totalitarian with an occasional liberal face.”
 Pilger has remarked on the censorship of his anti-Clinton critique by a liberal website. 

Surely it is by your friends you keep that you are judged. Negroponte and Kissinger, are endorsing her, both were involved with dictators, terrorists, drugs dealers, and both supported fascistic death squads. 

Others endorsing Clinton:
* Max Boot – A hard-line war hawk and self-declared “American imperialist”
* Eliot Cohen – Founding Signatory for the Project for the New American Century
* Robert Kagan – A former Bush administration official who has been called “the most influential neocon in academe”
* Richard Armitage – Former Deputy Secretary of State who admitted that he was the source who first revealed the identity of CIA officer Valerie Plame
* Madeline Albright – Who said it was “worth it” in describing the 500,000 Iraqi children who died because of U.S. sanctions
* Brent Scowcroft – National Security adviser to Bush #1
* Henry Paulson – Former Treasury Secretary and key bailout architect
* Leon Panetta – Former Director of the CIA
* Dan Senor, a leading neoconservative operative and former foreign policy advisor to Mitt Romney, who declared, “Hillary is more hawkish than any of us!”
*Haim Saban and his wife Cheryl gave $5 million to the Hillary Clinton’s Super PAC—Priorities USA Action—between 2015 and 2016. Of that sum, at least $3 million was contributed following Clinton’s letter to Haim Saban in July of 2015, in which she sought advice on "how we can work together” to defeat the growing movement to Boycott, Divest from, and Sanction (BDS) Israel.

Republican and Democrats is just the same dog wearing different collars, they are interchangeable. Hilarity Clinton is the ideal Republican Party candidate.

Kaine, Clinton’s running mate, is on the very right of the Democratic party and a Wall St clone, supporting new de-regulation of the banks and supporting the TPP and TTIP trade deals. The Damnocrat Kaine has a long history of defending his state’s right-to-work law. A decade ago, when he was governor, Kaine referred to Virginia’s right-to-work measure as “a law I strongly support.” PolitiFact Virginia concluded: “he supported Virginia’s right-to-work laws during his gubernatorial campaign and his four years in office. Even the group that seeks to expand these laws [the National Right to Work Foundation] concedes Kaine did few things that troubled them.” The election of this senator as Vice-President is an indication of what would be the future of the US working class, whoever they elect is going to affect them and benefits the rulers. New York Senator Chuck Schumer explains, "For every blue-collar Democrat we will lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two or three moderate Republicans in the suburbs of Philadelphia."

 Hewlett Packard executive Meg Whitman, typically a strong fundraiser for the Republican Party, announced that she would be supporting Clinton, both at the ballot box and through donations.This endorsement followed those of Michael Bloomberg, Mark Cuban, and Warren Buffett. But the focus on high-profile billionaires obscures the broader discussion of the Democratic Party's move away from labor and toward wealthier, white-collar professionals, whose views on economic issues in particular, are often antithetical to the ambitious changes necessary to combat the trends that have left millions without even the most basic of necessities. Hillary Clinton has, in light of these recent endorsements, predictably attempted to differentiate between "good" billionaires and "bad" billionaires. Clinton has been blessed by the members of the ruling class, now it is just the formality of ritually anointing her President. The choice has already been made by the oligarchs before the general election takes place. She is going to be the winner. All the irregularities made during the primaries favoring Clinton over Sanders has shown that she is the selected as the chosen one.

By, exposing Clinton, we are in no way expressing sympathy for Trump who made all his money from the sweat of the working class. The de-industrialization of the US brought the real estate boom and the finance of real estate property by the banking system, and the price of real estate was inflated, and poor peoples were thrown out from Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Bronx, and the poor neighborhood of the US, and it was called the process of gentrification. The real estate market is based on parasitism in the same way as the banking system. He is gaining popularity based on the false dreams of millions of workers.
The main problem of the US is not to defeat Donald Trump, the main essential problem is capitalism.  Whoever wins the presidential election will become the captain of the battleship and the representative of the capitalist economy.

As socialists, we are opposed to choosing between politicians who are pledged to administrate the affairs of the capitalist system. Why? Because no form of capitalism is worth voting for. Neither Clinton nor Trump has any intention of making fundamental changes to society to benefit workers, nor could they without a mandate to do so from the American working class. Both seek to maintain a society that causes war, pollution, racism, societal breakdown, unemployment, and poverty. Clinton may do a bit better than Trump, but as socialists, we don't care about a bit better, but a whole lot better, which won't happen until a fundamental change is made in society. A change that will eliminate the above social evils – a change called socialism.

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