
Sunday, April 19, 2015

For Socialism And For Humanity

"Socialism or Barbarism" is not a mere abstract slogan, it may be the reality. The issue in this election as in all of them is capitalism versus socialism and we are for socialism because we are for humanity.

Everyday people think: we are way overdue for change. In earlier times, there was a widespread belief in socialism’s imminence and desirability. Today there is little understanding of what is meant by socialism, and much skepticism about its feasibility. The Socialist Party insists that elections offer an opportunity to fire up the imagination of the past. We seek to give the socialist society the urgency it deserves and decline to place its achievement on the back-burner for some indeterminate future time.

The best way to do this is by voting for the Socialist Party. On the 7th of May place your X for the Socialist Party candidates and send a message of solidarity to your fellow workers. You can use this election to build a movement for the future which will fundamentally change class relations and will put everyone who sells their labour-power to survive into power - so make your ballot count. We are fighting for socialism, the only way forward for humanity. Capitalism with all its advances in science and technology and the massive accumulation of wealth has created the means to abolish hunger, poverty and disease for all of humankind. A socialist society would harness the wealth and productive potential that already exists to eradicate poverty and hunger throughout the world, pointing to the advances in information sharing and manufacturing technology. Karl Marx’s analysis of capitalism and socialist vision are perhaps more appropriate now than ever before.

The justified suspicion of the mainstream parties and their purely parliamentary approach to social change has been carried over to a generalised distrust of any electoral participation. The Socialist Party’s election campaign provides a true alternative for workers. The Socialist Party is not a party of professional politicians. Our candidates do not serve the interests of the capitalists. We want to speak to people who desire real change but who will not get it through the capitalist parties. We want to fight shoulder to shoulder with our class—the working class—against the profit system. We want to raise workers’ consciousness.  Most importantly, we want to spread the ideas of revolution and the possibility of true change. We know that things can be different. There are some who say, “You will not get elected,” and accuse us of taking votes away from supposedly more deserving parties with a slightly better chance of capturing the seat. Put simply: We want to take away any capitalist candidates’ votes even if they do claim to be otherwise. The Socialist Party is running to push revolutionary change into the forefront of this election. We aim to recruit people to the movement for socialism not for the reform of capitalism. We will get into debates, we will go door-to-door, we’ll hold meetings, just to be heard. By engaging in this election the Socialist Party takes the ideas of a better, more just society, to people and show the way forward for humanity.

The Ten Socialist Candidates
Jacqueline Shodeke - Brighton Kemptown;
Howard Pilott - Brighton Pavilion;
Robert Cox – Canterbury;
Steve Colborn – Easington;
Andy Thomas - Folkestone and Hythe;
Bill Martin - Islington North;
Kevin Parkin - Oxford East;
Mike Foster - Oxford West and Abingdon
Brian Johnson - Swansea West;
Danny Lambert – Vauxhall.

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