
Saturday, November 16, 2013


No matter how much they try to appear different on superficial questions, the hard fact is that the ConDem coalition  and the Labour Party are in complete agreement on fundamentals. Capitalists and their lickspittle lackeys in Parliament long for one thing, aside from profit, and that is stabilitywhich is the unachievable ability of the bosses and politicians to control the general situation. They both long for stability at the expense of the working class who must endure and suffer all of capital’s blunders to guarantee its power, investments and profits. Due to the recession and its effects all the political parties are retrenching themselves, reorientating their propaganda which is driving them in a right-wards turn.

The Socialist Party of Great Britain argues that socialism will come through the parliament and ballot boxes. The importance of an election lies in the fact that it gives the Socialist Party the opportunity to reach out to the people when their political attention is higher.  We try to make the most of greater readiness of the workers to read political literature, attend political meetings and take part in political discussions to familiarise workers with the Socialist Party case. We use elections to teach workers the connection between their status and the economic system and the state. It is an opportunity, by the medium of the election campaign, to advance the development of the socialist movement and strengthen the working class politically. It also serves to measure the political shifts and tendencies caused by changes on the economic and political scene.

We use elections to place before the workers the demand of the Socialist Party. Social ferment is increasing and changing times are now beginning to break up these well-established forms of political control. More and more are refusing to vote. Time and time again they’ve seen promises and phony solutions turn sour but governments always sweetening Big Business with the honey. Every day we working people are hit by the reality of no jobs, bad working conditions, crappy health service, dilapidated housing and lousy education for our kids. We can see our whole lives going down the drain. But there’s a growing consciousness among working people that we don’t have to take things as they are. It scares the hell out of the rich rulers to see that workers can unite to fight back. The rich are trying to prevent more workers from joining this movement, trying to offset our anger by telling us to vote for their front men. To keep us under control, they tell us, “everything will work out if you have trust in the system and use your ‘right’ to vote for the best man to do the job”. Yet they have no answers, no solutions as to how to better the lives of working people and contest elections among each other to see who can be the best stooge for the ruling class. They offer no cure because they have no cure.

 Recession, low wages, unemployment are natural parts of the system and making a laws and passing legislation  to get rid of them is like trying to cure cancer by making it illegal. For the capitalist there is only one law–the law of profits. The closing of companies, cutting of pay, speed-ups and lay-offs are part of everyday life under a system where capitalists compete with each other by squeezing out as much wealth as they can from our labour. Only as long as the capitalists can make a profit from our sweat do they give us the “right” to slave for them. In an economic crisis the only way to keep their profits up is to grind more from workers. As more and more of these attacks are launched, workers have responded with strikes, mass demonstrations and other forms of resistance. The capitalists hate and fear this growing resistance. But they are even more afraid that people will begin to see that all our problems are a result, not just of a handful of greedy bosses, but that these problems are a permanent part of life under the ruling capitalist class and their whole rotten system.

  If you are content to be represented by men and women belonging to some section of the master class, then do not vote for the Socialist Party, but if you want one of your own class, who will battle for your rights, who is the determined enemy of the domination of class over class, who will at all times stand for the cause of the oppressed, then vote for the Socialist Party(GB) candidate, Danny Lambert in the Lambeth ward of Vassall. The return of a Socialist Party candidate sadly does not mean the immediate realisation of socialism but the election of a socialist will, however, will mean a serious disturbance of the political peace, the spoiling the little party games, and the shining of light into  the darker doings of officialdom. In this election the Socialist Party stands alone as the standard-bearer of socialism.

 A confident, organised working class is essential for the creation of a society in which workers can truly formulate and decide between alternatives.

Never bend your head,
Always hold it high, 
Look the world,
Straight in the eye.


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