
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Use it or lose it

More and more of us are refusing to vote as time and time again we see through their fake promises and phony solutions. Russell Brand’s recent call for a revolution has hit a chord with many. It scares the hell out of the rich class of this country to see public figures expressing our anger by telling us not to vote for their front men. The Establishment has quickly countered by assuring us that “everything will work out if you just have trust in the system and use your “right” to vote for the best candidate to do the job.” But when it comes down to conventional politics it all really boils down to who can lie the best. Whole election campaigns revolves around prospective candidates image. One reason is that they really have no answer and no solutions as to how to better the lives of working people so they fight it out among each other to see who can be the best stooge for the ruling class. As our rulers try to herd us into the polling places on election day, they are trying their best to convince us that we really run the country. And, you know what, they are right! But only if we use our votes right! POLITICIANS FIGHT FOR THEIR INTERESTS, WE MUST FIGHT FOR OUR OWN!

The Socialist Party of Great Britain have resolved to enter the electoral field with a candidate of our own in the forthcoming election for the Vassall ward of Lambeth council. We take this opportunity to place before the public our reasons for taking such a step, as well as to indicate how the policy presented by such a candidate will differ from other parties in the field. Our candidate, Danny Lambert, takes his stand unflinchingly upon the basic principles of socialism, and pledges his fidelity solely to the interests of the working class. But he will not be offering a list of measures for sweetening the lot of the workers or for humanising the conditions under which they toil. Instead, he will use this election to denounce the ills of capitalism, exposing the other parties for what they are. His success will not be the number of votes he wins in the election, but rather by the extent to which he has made known our viewpoint and rallied workers to our party’s case. Participation in this election is one way to build up our influence among the workers. Our primary purpose in standing is to make socialists. We come to explain to our fellow workers the nature of the struggle in which they are participating and to explain to them the principles for which we work and fight.

Socialism can only come through the efforts of an organisation having that as its goal. The Socialist Party is the only political organisation standing definitely for uncompromising socialism. The capitalist class, who own the land and the tools of production, also own the government which rules the working class, not for the well-being of the workers but for the well-being and profit of the capitalists.  And it is only by our use of our political power that we can end our exploitation.

No matter what the TUSC or Greens may pretend to be, an examination of their history, their
press and platforms all show them to be  parties of reform. They say that they ultimately stand for a socialist society, but in the meantime they will “play” politics and makes every effort, like the capitalist reformers, to win the votes of people on “popular issues” of the day.The Socialist Party, quite differently, states  boldly that the only issue for the working class is the abolition of the wage system. And  this is to be done only by a revolutionary organisation  of the workers on the political field, not for reform but for revolution.

Workers can through the ballot box abolish the capitalist system of ownership with its accompanying class rule and class oppression, and establish in its place socialism where all the land and the means of production shall be the common property of the whole people, to be operated by the whole people for the production of commodities for use and not for profit.

Capitalism gives to the worker the right to choose his master but insists that the fact of mastership shall remain unquestioned.  Freedom will not be given to us. We must organise and fight for it. What is your reaction to the politicans, and all their talk? If you do reject their utterances for the meaningless trash, for what it is, what shall be your approach to the problems of society? Will you simply give up trying and resign yourself to anything capitalist society dishes out? This of course is the easy way, and consequently very popular.  Take up the challenge of the socialist alternative to change our way life to something better, instead. Get involved and take a stand for a better world, today. The whole job of changing capitalism is the responsibility of the working class.

In the Vassall bye-election for Lambeth council vote Danny Lambert of the Socialist Party (GB)

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