
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Make your mark

Times are hard, and are bound to get harder. Capitalism is not an abstraction, it is a concrete force. The capitalist class live upon the labour of the working class, and use all the powers of government, nationally and locally, in their own interest. The political parties, in spite of all their proclaimed differences (and they are more pretend than real) have one fundamental, common aim – the maintenance of a social system founded on the private ownership of the means of production (factories, workshops, resources, machinery, etc.) and the profitable exploitation of the working people. Their main aim is to promote the accumulation and concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a privileged minority, and they use the authority of the state to exercise political control over the common people for the specific purpose of furthering their plans in this respect. Under the rule of both Tory and Labour we have suffered long periods of high unemployment and low wages. These miserable conditions are but rarely altered.

The means of production are concentrated in the hands of a few; workers and our class enemy stand face to face.Through parliamentary action the working class meets the capitalists in a general political struggle.  The working class constitutes the majority of the population and they are the grave-diggers of capitalism. The emancipation of the working class is the revolutionary act of self-emancipation. The Revolution is no longer an aspiration of the future; it is a fact of immediate reality.

The Socialist Party of Great Britain, part of the World Socialist Movement, believes that the working people of the Vassall ward of Lambeth deserve better than they have had so we are putting forward a candidate to provide them with the opportunity of voting for a socialist candidate worthy of the name. A party of which the elected representative will remain the servant – not become the master. His goal is socialism – everything he proposes will be pointed in the direction of that objective.

At the moment we are swimming against the flow. It is probably inevitable that the voters of Vassall will decide to vote Labour as the lesser evil against the Tories and the LibDems. It is, nevertheless, an advocacy of voting Labour until Doomsday. For the Socialist Party, the election will be an occasion to criticise the capitalist parties and defend our case for socialism. We will expose the mainstream parties as the traditional parties of the  ruling class. We will show that despite their pro-worker images, the Green Party and the TUSC in fact seek only to reform the system, content to tolerate the capitalists’ profits so long as they aren’t “excessive.” Throughout our campaign, our candidate will stress that socialism is the only solution for the working people and it is only by ending the system which a handful of parasites benefit from that the working class will emancipate itself from exploitation once and for all.

Our aim is not just to collect votes. Above all it is to popularise our viewpoint, draw working people into the fight for socialism and call upon workers to muster under our banner. The Socialist Party is not just another electoral machine like the capitalist parties, which only come around once every so often, making promises they will never keep, in order to win workers votes. We urge all workers to vote for our candidate, to help build the Socialist Party as an alternative to the capitalist parties and to join with us in the fight to put an end to capitalism and to establish socialism.

Vote Socialist Party(GB) in Vassall. 
Vote Danny Lambert

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