
Friday, June 14, 2013

Rise up against the 6000

In "Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making," David Rothkopf,compiled a census of roughly 6,000 individuals whom he referred to as the “superclass.” They were defined not simply by their wealth, he said, but by the influence they exercised within the realms of business, finance, politics, military, culture, the arts and beyond.

Rothkopf noted: “Each member is set apart by his ability to regularly influence the lives of millions of people in multiple countries worldwide. Each actively exercises this power and often amplifies it through the development of relationships with other superclass members.”

The sycophants and media propagandists endlessly inundate us with the latest news about Bill Gates, Larry Ellison  Warren Buffet and all the others. They are glorified and deified and worshipped. Instead denouncing the rich, and recognising the devastating impact they have on the community, on the world, on working people, on our environment, and on every aspect of human life as we know it, we treat them as “lucky” or “skilful” or “deserving” because they work “so hard”. We praise them, and seek to emulate their successes and “importance to business” and the community. What nonsense and garbage! The fact is that allowing the rich to hoard wealth and power  results in the impoverishment of everyone else. The rich don’t “create jobs,” they don’t “build the economy.” They steal and leech from the worker and wage war against all those who don’t give them everything they want and need.

It is obvious that you can’t control the rich by “taxing” them and it is clear you can’t “regulate” their corporate profits or abuses, because they have immunise themselves from liability or responsibility.  It is time for people to recognise their real enemies, and wage the sort of class war against them that the rich wage against us.

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