
Thursday, March 01, 2012

The Sanity of Santorum

This month's Socialist Standard has an interesting observation upon religion and Mitt Romney's mormonism and their outlandish beliefs. Of course, there is not too much difference in the incredulous claims of the Church of the Latter Day Saints and the Church of Rome which Rick Santorum is a member of.

In the US presidential election contest, the only mitigating factor to be said on Obama's side is the christian dogmatism of some of his Republican rivals, whose individualism and ethical authoritarianism has turned parts of America over bible-bashing fundamentalists.

Santorum was conferred with the Sovereign Military Order of Malta in 2004 by the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta. The award is accorded to Catholics worldwide who have displayed exemplary chivalry, nobleness or service to the faith. He’s more like a small-town-America mullah. Some will say Santorum should be committed to a sanitorium!

"This is not a political war at all, this is not a culture war at all, this is a spiritual war," Mr Santorum warned students in 2008 at Ave Maria University in Naples. "And the father of lies has his sights on what you think the father of lies, Satan, would have his sights on. A good, decent, powerful, influential country, the United States of America."

“I’m a person of faith. I believe in good and evil,” Mr Santorum said. “If somehow or another because you’re a person of faith, and you believe in good and evil, is a disqualifier for president, we’re going to have a very small pool of candidates who can run for president."

Santorum turned on President Obama. “We see a president who is systematically trying to crush the traditional Judeo-Christian values of America. We saw it with Obamacare and the implementation of Obamacare, where his values are going to be imposed on a church’s values,”

He has questioned Mr Obama’s religious devotion and spoken of his opposition to a 1965 Supreme Court ruling that struck down a ban on birth control. Contraception, he said last October is, “not OK. It’s a licence to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be”. Even sensuality is on his blacklist. In his 2008 speech he suggested that Satan was making inroads on America, “using those great vices of pride, vanity and sensuality as the root to attack all of the strong plants that has so deeply rooted in the American tradition”.


Santorum put a Biblical spin on the climate change debate, stating that God has created the Earth for human beings to use regardless of the “Earth’s benefit.”

“Unlike the Earth, we're intelligent, and we can actually manage things,” Santorum said at a campaign stop in Ohio on Monday, criticizing liberal environmentalists who he said advocate a motto of 'Earth above man.' “When it comes to management of the Earth, they are the anti-science ones” he added, referring to liberals and conservationists.

“We were put on this Earth as creatures of God to have dominion over the Earth, to use it wisely and steward it wisely, but for our benefit not for the Earth’s benefit,” he said during a campaign address to a crowd in Colorado. Santorum called climate change “ absolute travesty of scientific research that was motivated by those who, in my opinion, saw this as an opportunity to create a panic and a crisis for government to be able to step in and even more greatly control your life.”



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