
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Where is the condemnation

Saudi Arabian troops sent to help put down the protests for democracy in Bahrain. While the UK government demands action against Gadhaffi , is there a similar call for a move to oppose this military intervention by Saudi Arabia? Will those governments who rightly condemn Gadaffi’s use of foreign mercenaries now condemn this use of foreign military power by oil sheiks to crush majority protestors in Bahrain?

The opposition said : "We consider the arrival of any soldier, or military vehicle, into Bahraini territory... an overt occupation of the kingdom of Bahrain and a conspiracy against the unarmed people of Bahrain."

It is alleged that the deafening silence from the West on this cross-border use of troops to crush democracy in the Gulf, is quid pro quo for the Arab League calling for Western intervention in Libya. do those political commentators who say it is our humanitarian duty to intervene and protect Libyan pro-democracy protestors from Gadhaffi, now demand similar action against the GCC, ( all the more easier accomplished since the American 5th Fleet is already established in Bahrain)

Mass protests have not yet materialised in Saudi Arabia, it’s because the monarchy maintains a regime of terror, enforced with the help of torture, mutilation and execution. Prince Saud Al-Faisal promised to “cut off the fingers of those who try to interfere in our internal matters”

Oil dependency means dependency on Saudi Arabia. Dependency on Saudi Arabia means being dependant upon its despotic monarchy and maintaining that special relationship with those Saudi royals.

Democracy has been hijacked by the capitalist class, who, via governments, and just like any other dictators, wield the power of armies and weapons of mass destruction, whilst also controlling most of the information outlets, so they can spin all the news in their favour. Massive propaganda exercises are employed by the state to stoke fears and anxieties. Invariably they also endeavour to present it as being in some way humanitarian. This is because people have a healthy horror of war.

Many people's gut reaction is simply that war is crazy. Socialists share this anti-war sentiment. It is one of the reasons why we are real socialists - advocates of a united world community without frontiers with all the Earth's resources becoming the common heritage of all humanity to be used to satisfy people's needs instead of for profit. We have concluded that capitalism means war and that therefore to get rid of wars and the threat of wars you have got to get rid of capitalism.

* We place on record our horror that capitalism has once again provoked death and destruction.
* We extend the hand of friendship to our fellow workers in the Arab States
* We pledge to do all within our means to bring the murder and repression to an immediate end.
* We pledge ourselves to continue to work for the establishment of a world socialist society of peace and cooperation.
* We call upon fellow workers everywhere to join in the struggle for One World, One People!

Unite for World Socialism!

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