
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Class war declaration

Hans-Jörg Rudloff, the head of the Management Board of investment bank Barclays Capital knows how to solve the debt crisis and bring "competitiveness" back to the European Union.

Half of the social benefits have to go. People have to work more, doing longer hours for longer years.

He explained that "Europe is carrying a social rucksack, which makes us uncompetitive in this world. We have provided living standards for our populations which are unheard of, which no one ever thought would be possible, for the last 50 years. People do not want to give up these living standards. Populations are not ready to voluntarily discipline themselves in more work, less rewards, and less security. And it's only natural that the population would react like this and here, its a question of democratic leadership and a question of whether indeed we are able to reinvigorate ourselves and to state public ally in this world that that we want to be competitive."

Yet Barclay Capital traders told a reporter from the Mirror: "Even if a guy is really lazy and has done s*** all year, he’ll still get a £600,000 bonus."


  1. Hi, AJ, Awesome blog again!!! Have put this story on a few forums.

  2. Indeed, the march of neo-feudalism continues
