
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Camilla and Royal Affairs

Wills and Kate have been filling up countless column inches and TV spots since the announcement of their engagement. One bit of Royal Affairs news may have been missed outside of Scandinavia.

King Gustaf of Sweden, allegedly, had an affair with La Camilla from the 90s camp disco/dance group "Army of Lovers". La Camilla, Camilla Henemark, came out the other day and said it was her, following allegations about the infidelity of the King.

It is rather ironic that the lady in question shares the same name as William's step-mother.

Royals are no better or worse than anybody else. So why the fanfare? In fact, if they are just like us, why do they live in riches and palaces?

1 comment:

  1. Here's a bishop that doesn't think much of the royals either:
