
Thursday, November 19, 2009

an anti-capitalist pope ??

After this earlier post which has the Catholic Church praising Marx , and after we have had The Pope saying "The emergencies of famine and the environment demonstrate with growing clarity that the logic of profit, if predominant, increases the disproportion between the rich and the poor and leads to a ruinous exploitation of the planet," he said. "Capitalism should not be considered the only valid model of economic organisation,"

Benedict said today told a United Nations world food summit that "the Earth can sufficiently feed all of its inhabitants" despite the "devastation" caused by global warming, and blamed the "greed" of speculators in cereals markets for aggravating world hunger.

The Pope said that "even if there are some regions where climate change has devastated production, globally speaking there is enough food to satisfy demand now and for the foreseeable future". He added: " show that there is no cause and effect relationship between population growth and hunger, and therefore is another proof of the deplorable trend to destroy food chains for profit". He condemned "greed which causes speculation to rear its head even in the marketing of cereals, as if food were to be treated just like any other commodity."

He still requires a bit more education about the nature of capitalism but a Socialist Standard is on its way to St Peters !!!


  1. No doubt on receiving said mag,he and his coven of cardinals will fall to their knees,and pray for the redemption of this unholy and atheistic rabble.More souls for the holy sea to exploit and brainwash.

  2. Catholics have been critiquing unhindered capitalism in favor of "third ways" like distributism for a long time. Is this really a move toward socialism, or just more of the same?

  3. i also think the Pope reference to population may just have a little bit to do with the Catholic Church attitudes to birth control .

  4. It could be said that christianity is a socialist faith, due to the words and actions of its founder christ.Only to be usurped by the omnipotent vanguard of cardinals and popes.
