
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Roots of gay oppression

The Socialist Party welcomes questions and feedback, positive or otherwise. Just recently we received an e-mail praising the Capitalism and other kids' stuff film. Every so often we are sent the e-mail equivalent of a letter written in green ink:

"I always knew socialism was gay but I never truly knew how gay it really was until I looked at your website. Now I know how truly gay socialism really is. You guys are so unmanly. You are totally de-balled. That's another thing that is so gay about socialism- the fact that so many women are involved. I went to this totally gay university in Montreal called Concordia and let me tell you, that was a fucking gay university. One year this lesbian party got themselves elected as the controlling student politcal body or whatever and let me tell you, it was pretty fuckin' gay. Women are so stupid. That's the main problem with them- they're really fucking stupid. And you guys are so de-balled. Capitalism is a man's game. And the United States- that's a man's country. No pussy-ass shit. See, the United States is the only thing left between socialism and world domination. You pussy-ass faggots. Can you imagine? A world run by a bunch of pussy-ass faggots. Pretty fucking gay."

Our correspondent would do well to read & critique the essay below, provide evidence for his assertions, and be aware that since its inception in 1904, the Socialist Party has held "..the emancipation of the working class will involve the emancipation of all mankind, without distinction of race or sex."

Homosexuality - sexual relations between, or attraction to, members of the same sex - has existed from the beginning of human history. In Ancient Greece the love of men was "integral both to the concept and the practice of Greek maleness" according to Rosalind Miles in her recent book 'The Rites of Man'. Already in 1917 in his 'The Origin and Development of the Moral Idea' Westermarck had stated that homosexuality probably occurred among every race of mankind.

Although homosexual love was considered commonplace, natural and pleasurable in the ancient world, homosexuals became increasingly ostracised, ridiculed and persecuted in the modem world. The development of Christianity, Judaism and Islam as international powers, able to wield influence over a wide range of human affairs led to homosexuality being outlawed.

An early condemnation of homosexuality occurs in the Book of Leviticus in the Old Testament of the Bible. Homosexuals are condemned to death along with adulterers and those committing bestiality. But Christians have been notorious at changing the rules and deciding which parts of the Bible are to be slavishly followed and which parts are ignored. Usury is condemned in the Bible but, with the rise of capitalism, banking is now a respectable profession. Polygamy was accepted in biblical times but is now stricly illegal in many countries and punishable by imprisonment.

The term "bugger" derives from "bougre" used to describe the supporters of the Bogomil heresy in Bulgaria in the tenth century. The Albingensias in Southern France in 1208 were also known as "bougres" or "bougeron". It was in fact from about the twelfth century onwards that homosexuality came to be perceived as a vice and harsh punishments were meted out. The rich and powerful, however, escaped the probibition that applied to other homosexuals. Richard I ("The Lionheart") had a passionate affair with King Philip of France which was carried on quite openly.

In Britain an ecclesiastical law of 1290 ordered "sodomites" to be buried alive, but tbis sentence seems to have never been carried out. The few who were convicted by the Church courts were hanged by the secular authorities. King Henry VIII introduced hanging as the secular punishment for sodomy in 1533 to remove the power of the Catholic Church that he was in the process of breaking away from. But this move was politically rather than morally motivated and there were few prosecutions for sodomy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Sexual relations between men were considered a commonplace method of getting sexual pleasure. Local authorities were more concerned to prevent the birth of bastards who might well have to be supported by the parish and a blind eye was turned to homosexual behaviour despite its illegality.


From about 1700 attitudes to homosexuality hardened again. Homosexuals responded by setting up "molly houses" , back rooms in private houses or taverns where heterosexual relationships were mimicked and mocked. According to R Davenport Hines in his 'Sex, Death and Punishment', "mock marriages and pregnancy rituals were performed with mock lying-ins and the "pregnant" man being delivered of a doll or a Cheshire cheese.

Homosexuals were depicted as efferninate, partly in retaliation for the "molly house" rituals, partly because transvestites were thought to be homosexuals and partly as a result of social labelling and stereotyping.

As early as 1728 men solicited in London for the sole purpose of blackmailing those who responded to their advances. Police spies and agent provocateurs were used in England for the first time to trap homosexuals. Lord Jowitt claimed that at least 95 percent of the blackmail cases which he knew about when Attorney General in 1929-32 involved fears of prosecution for homosexual behaviour.

Oscar Wilde is undoubtedly the best known homosexual to be prosecuted in the late Victorian era. He received two years hard labour in 1895. According to N. Greig in his introduction to 'Edward Carpenter: Selected Writings' "it was the act of treason of taking working-class boys to upperclass clubs which sealed his fate".

In this century the persecution of homosexuals has continued. In 1942 at Abergavenny 18 men received gaol sentences of between 10 months and 12 years. Thirteen of the men received a total of 57 years imprisonment. In 1955, alone, 1065 men were imprisoned for homosexual offences. And in 1951 a campaign against homosexuals in government services started after the homosexual Guy Burgess and the bisexual Donald McLean absconded to Russia after it was revealed that they had spied for the Russian government for years.

From the mid-nineteenth century onwards homosexuality was seen in some quarters as a medical condition and homosexuals were treated with drugs hypnotism, psychotherapy and aversion therapy. However the American Psychiatric Association has now voted to delete homosexuality from its official list of pathologies.

Most teenagers seem to be aware of their homosexuality between 12-14 years of age. Yet such is the social pressure to conforrn that 61 percent of lesbians and a quarter of male homosexuals had their first sexual experience with a member of the opposite sex (J. M. Stafford, 'Homosexuality and Education', 1988). The London Gay Teenage Group found, from a sample of over 400 homosexual teenagers, that over half had been verbally abused, a fifth had been beaten up, one in ten had been thrown out of home and many others sent to a doctor or psychiatrist. Suicide had been attempted by one-fifth of them because of intolerable sociaI pressure.

Lesbians have been spared legal persecution but have been subjected to the same prejudices and discrimination as male homosexuals. At times lesbianism has been ignored as if it did not exist, or its existence denied. Radclyffe Hall's novel 'The Well of Loneliness' was banned as obscene in 1928 although there is nothing lewd or erotic in the book. Its lesbian theme was considered sufficient reason for it to be outlawed.

In 1967 homosexual relations, between consenting males over 21 years, in private ceased to be a criminal offence in this country. But prejudice cannot be legislated out of existence and hard-won reforms can always be attacked or withdrawn. The 1988 Halsbury clause of the Local Government Act has made it illegal for local authorities to give financial or other assistance to homosexual groups.

Capitalism thrives on scapegoats because they absorb the blame for the poverty, stress and insecurity that the system causes and divert the pressure for change into other channels.

Socialists hold that sexual activity between consenting adults which gives the participants and does not harm anybody should be entirely their own affair. Discrimination is wrong and pressure groups are right to want to change it but we must tackle causes and not effects. Pressure groups fragment the strength of the working class which should be united to bring about the overthrow of the capitalist system. Partial reforms have allowed a resurgence of homophobia to be whipped up over AIDS. And economic stress will make minority groups vulnerable to attack in the future. The overthrow of capitalism and its replacement by socialism is the only way of preventing this from happening.


Socialist Standard May 1993

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