
Saturday, October 06, 2007

A Snap Decision?

The Main Parties have had to be clever this conference season as the chance, and talk, is of a General Election being announced soon.

The SPGB will, if an election is called soon, be standing a candidate in the London area Vauxhall. We will once again ask workers to vote for themselves for a change. The Lib/Dems, Labs and Cons stand for capitalism. We cannot field candidates all over the country right now, and thus urge fellow workers to show their opposition to capitalism by writing "socialism" on their ballot papers.

UPDATE-- the election is off for now.

1 comment:

  1. Having experience of the last Scottish Parliamentary elections and the new electronic counting procedures employed which created a hundredfold increase in spoiled ballot papers due to "technical" difficulties rather than deliberately spoiled on purpose , be assured that any spoiled ballot paper will very unlikely be actually viewed by anyone . Something to ponder in the future for another possible electoral strategy
