Friday, November 29, 2019

What We Want

The Socialist Party seeks the simple things in life.

We want peace, instead of bloodshed and violence and destruction.

We want security, instead of insecurity, the terrible business of not knowing today whether or not we will have a job and an income tomorrow.

We want to be sure that we will be able to raise our families in decent homes and good schools and hospitals.

We want comfort and prosperity, instead of low living standards, slums, child labour, unemployment, hunger and starvation.

We want democracy and freedom, instead of regimentation, bureaucracy, racial and religious and national conflict.

These are the simple things which you and I and all the people everywhere long for, the simple things we have always wanted for ourselves and our children.

But we don’t have them. We have huge industries all over the land. We have undreamed-of natural resources. We have millions of skilled workers. We can produce in one day. what it took our ancestors years to produce.

Yet we do not have neither security nor prosperity.

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