Friday, July 05, 2019

An invitation to the revolution

Social systems are not eternal. Like the human beings who compose them, they are born, mature and eventually die. Capitalist society is no exception. It too has moved from birth to maturity and is now approaching death. Capitalism is dying because of a serious malfunction. This malfunction is not just a disorder of the system's old age. It first appeared in capitalism's youth and has been revealing itself ever since through the periodic business crises that have punctuated capitalism's life.

Socialism does not mean government or state ownership. It does not mean a state bureaucracy as in the former U.S.S.R., where the working class was oppressed by a bureaucratic class. It does not mean a one-party system without democratic rights. It does not mean "nationalisation, or state capitalism of any kind. It means a complete end to all capitalist social relations. For individuals, socialism means an end to economic insecurity and exploitation. It means workers cease to be commodities bought and sold on the labour market, and forced to work as appendages to tools owned by someone else. It means a chance to develop all individual capacities and potentials within a free community of free individuals. It means a class-free society that guarantees full democratic rights for all workers. In socialism, all authority will originate from the workers. Socialism means production to satisfy human needs, not as under capitalism, for sale and profit.

In the new society, production and distribution will be socially controlled. There will, accordingly, be no further need for the means of exchange, money, required by the capitalist system of private control over production and distribution. Whether or not this better society will be achieved depends on you. Don't be surprised. You're an important individual. You have a political and economic power that, intelligently used, can make short work of peacefully abolishing capitalism and establishing a socially-owned economy administered by the working citizens for the benefit of all. You lack just one thing: a plan that will enable you and your fellow-workers to employ your united political and economic power effectively. The policies needed exist. You can learn about it by filling in the coupon and mailing it to the indicated address. Is the information you will receive worth the little effort involved? Well, isn't the possibility of winning a real and secure prosperity for your family and your fellow-workers worth a bit of effort on your part?

To win the struggle for socialist freedom requires enormous efforts of organisational and educational work. It requires building a political party of socialism to contest the power of the capitalist class on the political field, and to educate the majority of workers about the need for socialism so to unite all workers in a class-conscious force.

What can you do? 

1. Learn more
The Socialist Party publishes a wide range of pamphlets. Its monthly journal, the Socialist Standard, offers a clear analysis of the news from the workers' point of view. Send for free copies. 

2. Get involved
Contact the Socialist Party branches in your area and find out about local activities like lectures, leafleting and educational classes in Marxism. 

3. Join us
The Socialist Party is open to all who agree with its principles to replace capitalism with a new socialist society. If you agree, you belong in our party. 

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