Thursday, May 02, 2019

Local Election Statement

People not Profits

Things are not produced today to meet people’s needs. They are produced to make a profit. And that’s the cause of the problems people face.
Under the profit system profits always come first. Before providing basic services like health care and transport, before improving conditions at work, and before providing decent housing.
It’s profits first, people second.
Under the profit system production is in the hands of profit-seeking business enterprises, all competing to maximise the rate of return on the money invested in them. Decisions as to what to produce and how much, and how and where to produce it, are not made in response to people’s needs but in response to market forces.
As a result, the health and welfare of the workforce and the effects on the environment take second place. The profit system can’t help doing this. It’s the only way it can work. Which is why it must go.
We know this is only elections for local councils but we make no apology for raising this issue. The reduced incomes and cuts to services that people are having to put up with are a direct result of the profit system being in an economic crisis.
When this happens governments, whatever their political hue, have to cut their spending so as to give profits a chance to recover. As local councils are largely financed by central government this trickles down to the local level too.
So, what’s the alternative?
One thing is certain. The Tories, Lib-Dems, Labour, UKIP—have nothing to offer. They all support the profit system and are only squabbling over which of them should have a go at running it. If we are going to improve things we are going to have to act for ourselves, without professional  politicians or leaders of any kind. We are going to have to organise ourselves democratically to bring about a society geared to serving human needs not profits.
Production to satisfy people’s needs. That’s the alternative. But this can only be done if we control production and the only basis for this is common ownership and democratic control.  We need a system that works for us all, of which we're all an integral part, a system we're prepared to work to attain. What we need is socialism.

Where there is no Socialist Party candidate running, write the word "World Socialism" across your ballot paper, your vote is spoiled. True, but at any rate you have not signified that you are a willing supporter of capitalism

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