Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The British Secret Police

There are more than 1,200 secret police operating in 39 units across England and Wales. The watchdog has refused to say how many undercover officers are being used to infiltrate political groups.  Undercover officer Mark Kennedy infiltrated environmental groups for seven years.

Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) warned  that the national undercover working group – the body of senior officers in charge of undercover operations – was not run well “and that it has not done so for some time... We were concerned by a generally poor level of knowledge and lack of expertise of those senior officers who authorise the use of undercover officers.” He added that there was an “unacceptable variation in the quality of the written authorisations – often with insufficient detail provided”. Also criticised were senior officers for ignoring a previous, unpublished high-level review of undercover operations that had made 55 recommendations for improvements two years ago.

From here

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