Monday, September 01, 2014

Labor Day Greetings

Labor Day  began in 1882, four years BEFORE Haymarket and eight years BEFORE the first international May Day in 1890.  There are reports of early Labor Day celebrations in Toronto, Canada, in 1872 and in Boston in 1878. The first Labor Day in Australia was celebrated in 1856.

Labor Day brings forth the usual flood of “Labor Day Messages” from all sorts of organizations and individuals but when all is said and done, the workers won’t get much from the Labor Day  sermons and speeches that is all hokus pokus about love of country.

Today, however,  Socialism Or Your Money Back blog celebrates  Labor Day and pledges mutual solidarity fidelity and support to our fellow workers in every battle, economic and political until our fellow worker are free. We are all one— all workers of all lands and climes. We know not color, nor creed, nor sex in the labor movement as we march to the goal where we  will vanquish wage-slavery and humanize the world.

The capitalist world heaps misery upon misery upon backs of the toilers. Capitalism remains what it has been from birth: a system of exploitation of the many for the enrichment of the few. Labor day should remind us of the urgency to move towards socialism.

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